School Tours

We’re excited to invite you to join one of our scheduled school tours as you consider Izzi B for your child’s education in the 2025-2026 school year. Our tours offer an excellent opportunity to explore the vibrant learning environment we foster at Izzi B, meet our staff, and get a closer look at the wonderful Izzi B community.

To reserve your spot, please sign up here or call our front office at (720) 423-9900 for assistance.

School Tours





Other Events for Prospective Families:

Gifted and Talented (GT) Information Night

One of Izzi B’s distinguishing features is our unique GT (Gifted and Talented) program. Our GT Information Night will allow you the opportunity to meet our GT Program Coordinator and discuss our philosophy, which ensures that ALL children—whether GT-identified or not—are learning to their maximum ability every day. Sign up here

Thursday, Jan 16, 5:30-6:30PM

Virtual GT Program Q&A with Izzi B Parents 

Wednesday, January 22, 6:00-7:00PM

Virtual Over Zoom

This session is intended for families who have already attended a GT Information Night or have watched the GT Screencast Presentation online (link to be provided after 1/16/25). Please sign up here.

This is a great opportunity to connect with current Izzi B parents of GT students, ask questions, and learn more about our program and family experiences at the school. No formal presentation will be given, just time to respond to your questions. 

General Q & A with Izzi B Parent Ambassadors (virtual event)

Wednesday, February 12, 6:00-7:30PM

Virtual over Zoom

We invite you to join us for an informal Zoom Q & A with some of our Izzi B Parent Ambassadors. If you attended a tour but still have lingering questions, please stop in and make sure you have all the information you need to confidently finalize Izzi B as your #1 choice. If you weren’t able to join us for a tour, this is an opportunity to connect with our community and receive a warm welcome. Please drop in at any time throughout the course of the session and stay as long as you like. There will be no formal presentation, just time to respond to questions and share our experiences. The meeting link will be emailed prior to the event to anyone who has RSVP’d to attend. Please sign up here.

Additional Resources

If you are unable to join us for one of our events for prospective families, please see the information below to learn a little bit more about our wonderful school.

Izzi B School Tour Informational Materials & Handouts
Virtual Tour – Inside Izzi B
Get to Know Izzi B: Videos