Sara Rojas

3rd Grade Teacher


3rd Grade

This is Sara’s 19th year teaching. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education and Special Education from Southwest Minnesota State University.  She also completed her Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from Concordia University, St. Paul. She has taught special education, intervention, 3rd and 4th grade. The last three years, she has taught online. She believes we must be creative and innovative in order to reach all of our students and their various strengths. 


Kansas City is her hometown, but she has also lived in Texas, Florida, California, and Minnesota. Colorado has been her home for the last 5 years. When not working, she loves hiking, camping, road trips, watching live music, and being active outside. Colorado is a great state in which to play and explore. Her main passion is soccer. She loves playing, coaching and watching the game!